Places to Stay


Istanbul is a city split in half by the Bosphorus Strait. The European side is to the west and the Asian side is to the east. In general, the European side will have more touristy things to do. The Asian side is where more normal people live.

European side

If you are planning on spending time in Istanbul, we recommend staying in the area around Galata Tower and Şişane metro station on the European side. This area is a really great central location to reach everything you would want to in Istanbul. If you can find something within a 15 minute walk of Galata Tower, that’s perfect.

Asian side

If you want a little more of a locals experience, you could stay on the Asian side in the Moda neighborhood of Kadıköy. Moda is filled with restaurants, cafes, shops, and a seaside park to relax in. It’s a very popular neighborhood with tons of personality. To get to Moda you either take the Marmaray train to Söğütlüçeşme Station (good luck trying to pronounce that one) or a much more interesting ferry boat ride.

If you decide to take the ferry to Moda, you can get there by going to either the Karaköy or Eminönü pier. Look for the signs on the boat that say Kadıköy. If it says anything else (like Üsküdar) that’s not the right one. The ferry will have tea, juice, and sandwiches on board.

Where not to stay

The main area you should stay away from is just north of Tarlabaşı Blv. This is very close to Taksim Square and Istiklal Street so if you are considering a hotel or Airbnb in that area, make sure not to pick something in Tarlabaşı.